Design Interventions 03

9th week - 1 March

My vision: Creating narratives to provoke the reconnection with nature, preserve the biocultural heritage and create a new coexistence paradigm. Symbiosis of organisms to bioremediate air on the move.
My mission: Co-living and co-creating with other organisms like algae, bacteria or spores. Biohacking my bedroom. Becoming a Bioborg. Feeding the spirulina with my body heat and sweat. Indirectly restore nature on the move. 
Organisms I am going to work with: Spirulina and Moss
Tools I want to use: Interspecies collaboration, Maths in Nature, Generative art and design (p5.js) Digital fabrication (grasshopper), Bioremediation, Biophotovoltaics, Video edition, prints, art as a provocative tool to understand the connection, aesthetics to create narratives…

Research stage of the project - Spirulina & Body heat

I'm on the research process of how to develop a series of gadgets to store it and keep it alive with my body heat and sweat as well as create a pumping system with my own motion for the aeration of the spirulina and eventually bio-remediate air on the move.
I used the 3D printing weekly task to create the first interaction of hand-gadget to reduce the scale and use the motion of my finger for the aeration.

Research stage of the project - Printable moss

I'm on the process of creating a printable ink with moss to make prints with generative art and eventually make it grow on fabrics, paper or any kind of surfaces that would allow me to wear as a bioborg or biohack my bedroom.