Design Interventions 02

4th week - 25 January

Responsible Research and innovation

Responsible systemic frameworks for making within.

So how to be responsible under the current awareness and understanding of responsible innovation?
=Tool: Responsible Research Innovation Framework.
After a lot of thinking and some reviews with the tutors, I have decided to focus my project on the weak signal of restoration ecology. 

My vision: Creating narratives to provoke the reconnection with nature, preserve the biocultural heritage and create a new coexistence paradigm. Green energies from other organisms or processes. 
My mission: Co-living and co-creating with other organisms like algae, bacteria or spores. Biohacking my bedroom. Becoming a Bioborg. Indirectly restore nature on the move. 
Tools I want to use: Interspecies collaboration, Maths in Nature, Generative art and design (p5.js) Digital fabrication (grasshopper), Bioremediation, Biophotovoltaics, Bioluminsicene Video edition, prints, art as a provocative tool to understand the connection, aesthetics to create narratives…

What do I know and not know about my own project? What assumptions, interests, values underpin my project and to what extent have I reflected on them?

I have knowledge about sacred geometry in nature and have developed past research projects on this topic. I don’t know yet how to create algorithms to replicate maths in nature. I assume people would feel related and inspired by these representations. I value the protection of the environment and biodiversity. I have an interest in establishing a new lifestyle where humans and nature would be one again. By creating a symbiosis relation with spirulina I would develop a series of gadgets to store it and keep it alive with my body heat and sweat as well as create a pumping system with my own motion for the aeration of the spirulina and eventually bio-remediate air on the move.

Am I committed enough to my project and to the community with(in) and for which I am co-developing it?

I have realized that I already started this process of helping restore nature with the living with your own ideas project. By planting seeds around the city and recollecting cutting plants for propagation on the move. I created a wearable, that was a little bag to keep the seeds and planting cuts. For this term I’m really willing to find more ways to incorporate other organisms into my daily life. I’m starting with some fluorescent DIY organism reactions. And I’m planning to incorporate microalgae like spirulina and Pyrocystis Lunae, as well as some bacteria and spores. I feel finally high motivated with a concept and also with the idea of not having a fixed project idea, just experimenting and researching. It tackles many of my interests in technology, biology, maths in nature and fashion. Also, I think that the narrative of using maths in nature to find connections is been a recurrent topic in my life so I have found a long term commitment from the past to this topic.

Experimenting with bioluminescence and fluorescent printable inks

Failed experiment - Next step is to do it with moss for actually grow other organisms creating art works and bioremediate air on my bedroom
(check next post)