Week 14 - 27 April
Honestly for more that I tried to take a lot of notes on this class and not loose the thread it was a complex class to follow. We learned about comunication and networking and how mostly everything in our life nowadays depends on a different network which each of them follow a diffrent protocol that contain the laws and instrutions to use them.
We went all the way from antenas to internet to radio and how to use different protocols for diffrent microcontrollers as well of the tipe of connection, wireless or wired. There is always a ''master'' that send the information and a ''slave'' that recieves the question and comes back to the master with the info and data needed.
Send a message between two microcontrollers (boards/ esp32 feathers or boards you made).
The task could be done by pairsCommunication can be done by cable or wireless
I teamed up with Dídac and we used two ESP8266 that he had at home. We programmed them to get input from an analogue sensor connected to one board and then send the information to the other one to activate an output device. We followed a tutorial since we had no knowledge at all of how to do it with an ESP8266. You can find the tutorial here.
For the communication between each other, we had to use a protocol called Wifi-UPD, where you create a code where one of the ESP8266 boards is used as a server and the other one is used as a client. With the server, you create an IP that will be used by the client to connect and then send the packages. The code also has a buffer to retain the packages sent from the client to the server. Finally, as you can see in the video below, this is how both devices communicated. When we send inputs from the sensor (button) automatically the output activates (buzzer and LED).