Interface and application programing

Week 15 - 4 May

This week I couldn't make it to class but I decied to watch some tutorials of the train code guy since I'm very much intersted in creative coding.
I hope to be able to catch up and watch this lesson soon.

Weekly task

Code/program an interface with the tools provided during the ( processing,P5JS, MitAppInventor,Aframe,NodeRed) or other alternatives software that interfaces a user with an input and/or output device that you want to use.Interpret and implement design and programming protocols to create a Graphic User Interface (GUI).

For this assignment, I did two types of interfaces, a really simple one with HTML for the challenge 3, where the ESP32 was connected to the wifi and send the data collected by the two sensors to an IP address.

Link to repository challenge 3

And a more complex and fun one with processing for the challenge 4, where we connected an arduino UNO to processing and read the values given by the vibration sensor to create a drawing when the users touches  the physical interface.

Link to repository challenge 4

Link to class documentation