A Bioborg Manifesto

11 March

So basically my whole concept goes around the idea of becoming a Bioborg myself. I want to create narratives that would provoke the reconnection with humans and nature as we are one, and not two separate things. I want to create a series of wearables and decorations using spirulina and moss, to co-create, co-habit and bioremediation the air on the move. 

Inclusive: We are all humans doesn't matter what is your sexual orientation, gender, skin colour or social class… maths and laws in nature are for all, we have this common ancestry.

Grounded: How many of us have felt this peaceful and grounded feeling when we are on a hike, surrounded by trees and plants? How many of us have said, Oh I miss this, we should do it more often but the hectic and productive life we have absorbs most of the time till you desperate find yourself again in the need of reconnecting with nature and take a train or rent a car to visit a river and describe yourself as an adventurous person? How can we reconnect with nature? What are the things we have in common? 

Rooted: Well, we are basically nature that’s the point. We’ve been trying so hard to make a distinction between us and nature… that we have forgotten that we all follow the same laws of nature. We can’t exist without nature. But nature could live without us for sure. Mother nature have designed every little detail of our cells and any being else cell. Accepting and acknowledging that we have been active actors in the manipulation of nature for our own purposes regardless of the consequences we have arrived at a breakdown point, where we can’t any longer use nature for resources. But we could use this power to co-create with nature. 

Post-nature: The natural environment can no longer be read-only as a resource that is managed, nor one that imposes the circumstances to which we must adapt, but as one of the main cultural constructions of modernity. “ If they burn what it’s left of the rainforest, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them”  - Pablo Amaringo.

Advocating for life: Ecology is not about hugging trees anymore. We live surrounded by dead objects. We could be agents of change with our lifestyles. Helping reestablish life among us. We are so focused on creating new universes in the digital world that we have almost forgotten all the possibilities that technology offers us to bring the natural world inside our houses. Biomimicry is a well known practise among designers that imitates the models, systems and elements of nature for the purpose of solving complex human problems. 

Symbiosis: Co-creating with other species and the technology to keep them alive in a completely new context could help us understand nature from a new perspective. Where nature it’s not just a place to visit when your instinct ar telling you that your concrete cave is not enough. But yet a symbiotic relationship with other photosynthetic species to negate our CO2 footprint on the move. I also give emotional value to objects in my life, but what if these objects were alive? How would your emotional relationship change with them? Would we be more attached? In this reciprocating relation, both the humans and non-humans are benefiting from it. 

Essence: Being a Bioborg its about motherhood. Living in a symbiotic relationship with other species to find the space in cities/infrastructure that’s been designed for humans only and shift it to a nature friendly co-existing paradigm using the last technology to help us adapt us and them. Using technology to amplify nature borders. To bring back live among humans. We’ve been using technology to see how far humans can get. Why do use it to watch how far the natural world can get. Humans and nature. Humans with nature. As the incredible Neri Oxman says, “we're now at a point where we're co-creating with nature and ourselves "mothering" the natural world.” Rendering these “elusive” organisms with parametric morphologies, we join a lineage of storytellers who totemise ever-present yet unknowable life-forces, thus making kin with all that connects us. An ode to the possibility that a living world held in a global commons could nurture new forms of representation and, therefore, how we can build reciprocal and more ritualised connections with Nature.I

I make pretty living things.
I make patterns that grow.

Paula del Río - 1st Bioborg.