Invention, intelectual property and income

Week 18 - 18 May

During this last fabacademy class Oscar and Victor decided to create a debate around what is an intelectual property, patents, licence, etc and we did some different proporsals for what could be the future of Smart citizen kit.
Having a practical case helped us to understand better the diffrente possibilities of producing and designing a project. It was also quite interesting that most of us relayed on the idea of creating a new marketing strategy for them and that most of us are shaped by a system that makes hard to find any other way out to keep a business alive that is not money.

Weekly task

Created a dissemination plan for your final project
Outlined future possibilities and described how to make them probabilities
Choose a licence (open/closed) of your choice for your final mdef intervention

3D print sole mold testing pump system casting the silicone while designing prints for the softorobotics
laser cast prototype in cardboard then acrylic mold.
Connect the pieces with tubes test it with liquid.

I would like to use this project to apply for art residencies at institutions where they advocate for design in the field of art, technology and biology. I have started to create some networking with organizations in Barcelona like Wetlab from Hangar and Quoartis as well as in Madrid - Institute of postnatural studies. My idea is to have a well-contextualized artefact that will allow me to explain my idea better and apply for research scholarships to develop further this project and make it completely functional. Since my approach, for now, is an artistic one and I will like to use this project to trigger and provoke conversations around the topic of coexisting with other species; I will also like to participate in different exhibitions (dutch design week) and festivals like Sonar that also is working to promote technology and designers further than just being a music event. I think that there are also a lot of possibilities in the fashion industry since Nike, for example, is investing a lot in I+D projects. I would like to register the project of Bioborg and keep it on a private licence since I think it has a lot of potentials. On the contrary, the photobioreactor that supports this project would be open source since my classmates and I agreed on it from the begging and we want to get spirulina closer to people's houses. 

Link to class documentation