Principles and practices

week 1 - 26 January

Weekly task

This First week of Fab Academy was more a first contact about what is the Fab Lab and how we are going to be part of it as Mdefers. We have already had some contact in the past term and precourse, luckily we have had the time to work on our websites since then as well as getting familiar with GIT, which for the rest of the Fab academy students was a task for this week. On the contrary we are asked to arrange our website for the upcoming week reports and micro challenges hence how to document based on past students experiences. 

I like the website setting of Jasmine for the grid layout of her fab academy home page since I’ve been using that type of layout from the beginning. I also got inspiration from Jana with her graphic design, and I have decided to deconstruct the symbol of the flower of life as covers for each week. Every circle represents a weekly knowledge and the intersection between them leads to a micro challenge considering that no challenge would be possible without knowledge acquired in the previous weeks. For how to display the information inside each post, I find more complete the way Krysztof documents it due to the fact that he is supporting his weekly reports with visuals and graphics which I consider crucial for a user friendly web.

Even though I’ve been working as a web designer the past 3 years, I never actually had a class on what computers are, how they work and what is the internet. A tool that is part of our daily life and sometimes it might be taken for granted all the work that has been done to achieve it. I’m also curious to experiment more with markdown since I’ve been always using a web editor to create and write my websites and Markdown seems a more agile tool for documenting processes.

Link to class documentation